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Click any of the titles below to download our PDF forms.

Authorization for Cremation
For permission to cremate and the authorizing party's consent, ensuring adherence to the specified wishes and requirements.

Authorization of Release of Body to Funeral Home
Permits the transfer of a deceased individual's body from a hospital or morgue to a funeral home.

Authorization to Embalm
Grants consent for the embalming process conducted in accordance with the wishes of the family or the deceased individual's pre-arranged plans.

Photograph or ID Indemnification
Used to secure permission for the use of an individual's photograph or identification for specific purposes.

Release of Cremains
Authorizes the final disposition of cremated remains.

Release of Remains
Grants authorization for the transfer of a deceased individual's body from a designated facility, such as a hospital or morgue, to a specified party or funeral home.

Vital Information
Detailing the vital information of your loved one for the process of beginning arrangements.